Together We Build Campaign Launches

On January 26, 2020, Greenwood Forest embarked on the Together We Build campaign. Inspired by the successful 1977 campaign that gave us our beautiful sanctuary, Together We Build seeks to put Greenwood Forest on firm financial footing so we can continue to be a sanctuary for all God’s children for many years to come.

We are raising $1.45 million in funds to eliminate Greenwood Forest’s remaining debts by 2025. Doing so will allow our inclusive community of faith to fully embrace its potential and identity. In worship, we put together a cairn of rocks, building a monument to the future we envisioned. Words like “sanctuary,” “community,” and “hope” embodied the world we’d like to see.

2019 was a year of casting vision for Greenwood Forest. Congregation members came together in a series of sessions designed to help us articulate who we wanted to be as a church. Themes of inclusion, belonging, and community came through strongly, contributing to the launch of this campaign.

If you would like to contribute to the Together We Build campaign, please contact the church office.