Join an Antiracist Reading Group

As we continue our commitment to fighting racism in our ourselves and our community, we are forming antiracist reading groups. In order to be effective allies and participants in the movement for racial justice we must educate ourselves on our history, on white supremacy, and on the most effective ways to eliminate it. We strongly encourage all members interested in continued action against racism to join a group. The groups will begin the first week of July, and we will work through an incredible list of books and excerpts for the next year. The first book we will read is Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad (Amazon| Indiebound).

A note to our congregants of color: this book is particularly written for white and white passing people, as a guide to interrogating white privilege and white supremacy within themselves. You are welcome to read it as well but we felt it necessary to begin with some groundwork for our white members so that we could have more productive conversations about the rest of the readings.

Email Rev. Stacks if you would like to join a group.