When you come on a Sunday morning, you may need a wide range of things to feel fully included at our church. We’re always trying to improve our inclusion and accessibility. Here are a few things you may need to know now:
Accessible Navigation
There are handicapped parking spaces near the sanctuary bordering Maynard Road and at other entrances, as well. There are also shortened pews in the sanctuary designed for wheelchair- and walker-accessible seating. The two levels of the building are connected by accessible exterior walkways and there are no stairs needed when you’re traversing a single level. You will spend almost all your time on the second level (sanctuary, Faith Formation classes, church office), which is accessible throughout.
Hearing Assistance
If you need hearing assistance devices, they are available in the back of the sanctuary next to the sound booth. There are also manuscript copies of the sermon frequently available in the church office and prayer room (C230, see above) before worship begins.
Children in Worship
If you have a small child, we have nursery care during worship for children who need it, especially infants and toddlers. There is a glider available in the back of the sanctuary if you need to rock your little one during worship. In general, we want you to feel comfortable with your children being children in worship, and wriggling and noises are perfectly okay! You can learn more about the roles children can play in worship here.
Restroom Needs
There are restrooms located at the front and rear of the sanctuary for use during worship. Please feel welcome to use the restrooms that conform with your gender identity. There are restrooms at the rear of the sanctuary (in the narthex) that are single occupancy and completely gender-neutral.