In our Sunday worship service, you might encounter a 500-year-old hymn alongside a freedom song, a Bach organ prelude followed by a bluegrass number, or clap along with a spiritual after quietly repeating a Taizé refrain. We hope that at our best, the worship service at Greenwood Forest gives you a glimpse of what the diverse and beautiful kingdom of God sounds like. See below for a walkthrough of our worship.
We root our worship service in the historical practices and symbols of Christian tradition but also seek to dynamically respond to our 21st century context. You may hear an ancient doxology after an extemporaneous prayer, a dramatic reading of Scripture following a formal litany. You can find examples by looking through past orders of worship.
Components of Worship
If you’ve not been to a service like ours, here are some of the important elements:
The Call to Worship
We join in a call-and-response reading of Scripture (usually from the Book of Psalms) followed by a prayer of invocation, which invites God to come dwell among us in our worship.
The Offertory
We come together and pool our resources because we can do more together than on our own. As church members and regular attendees give, if you’re a first-time guest, feel free to offer a visitor card instead of money. We’d love to connect with you and learn more about you!
The Prayers of the People
We pray together for the earth, our world, and the church in a longer prayer that confronts the realities all of us face outside the sanctuary walls. We’ll pray for everything—for an end to white supremacy, a way to honor the earth, healing for someone in the hospital, inspiration for a partner church, and so much more. We conclude with the Lord’s Prayer (also called the “Our Father”) that Jesus taught his disciples.
The Sermon
We hear one of our ministers or a guest (it’s usually our Senior Pastor, Lauren Efird) give a sermon on the passage(s) of Scripture we read in worship that day. The sermon is a time when we turn our hearts, minds, souls, and bodies toward what it means to follow Jesus today.
We celebrate communion at least once a month (usually the first Sunday of the month and often at special services, as well). Communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist) is a vital part of our tradition. We share in the body and blood of Jesus to confess our faith.
At Greenwood Forest, we practice with the ancient method of intinction (dipping the bread into the cup). All are invited to come down the aisle to receive the elements. During Communion, a minister or a lay leader will serve the elements from one of four stations in the sanctuary, two at the front and two at the back. You will be ushered toward one of the stations depending on where you are seated in the sanctuary. You will be given a piece of bread that you dip in the cup and then partake.
If you are unable to visit one of the stations, a server will bring the elements to you at your seat. If you do not wish to receive the elements, you may come receive a blessing—simply indicate this desire verbally or by crossing your arms over your chest. A gluten-free bread option is available upon request.